Filmmaker Faisal Saif admires Dhanush as an actor, but clarifies that he never approached him for a role in his upcoming...
"Dhanush is a wonderful actor and there are no two thoughts about it, but we never approached him for our movie. Yes, we've have approached Kim Kardashian and if all goes well, Kim might do an extended cameo," Saif told.
Dhanush's name was associated with the project after Saif announced that he plans to cast a Tamil actor to essay an important role.
"Since the film will be made in Tamil as well as Telugu, I'm planning to cast a Tamil actor. However, we haven't finalised anyone yet," he said.
Dubai-based actress Andria D'Souza plays the lead in "For Adults Only", which is said to be India's "boldest" and "dirtiest" film.
The film, which is also being made in Hindi, is produced by Dimension Pictures. The team has already completed its first schedule of shooting.
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