TV and Rights : Questions on Nithyananda Video on Sun News

Swami NithyanandaThe whole of last evening, a Tamil TV Channel had been telecasting the bedroom acts of the popular Swami Nithyananda along with a Tamil actress whose name according to the channel starts with the letter R. The Channel also claimed that it was telecasting the video only after thoroughly confirming the identity of the Swami.

Several questions arise. Firstly, the video in question was very intimate if not obscene and vulgar, offensive to conventional standards of decency. It was disgusting and morally distasteful. I wonder if such sexually explicit videos could be allowed to be telecast. Certainly one cannot see the video with his or her family. That is for sure. Had it been a movie, even an ‘A’ Certificate would not have been given. While we have a Central Board of Film Certification, what do we do with such telecasts?

Secondly, is it proper to intrude into the privacy of an individual? Stealthily implanting a video camera or video-mobile into someone’s bed-room is in utter disregard to others’ rights to privacy and natural justice.

Already demands have been made to arrest him etc. etc. Let me make it amply clear that I am not holding a brief for anyone. But, I strongly feel such telecasts are not good for a healthy social life.


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