T he whole of last evening, a Tamil TV Channel had been telecasting the bedroom acts of the popular Swami Nithyananda along with a T...
Several questions arise. Firstly, the video in question was very intimate if not obscene and vulgar, offensive to conventional standards of decency. It was disgusting and morally distasteful. I wonder if such sexually explicit videos could be allowed to be telecast. Certainly one cannot see the video with his or her family. That is for sure. Had it been a movie, even an ‘A’ Certificate would not have been given. While we have a Central Board of Film Certification, what do we do with such telecasts?
Secondly, is it proper to intrude into the privacy of an individual? Stealthily implanting a video camera or video-mobile into someone’s bed-room is in utter disregard to others’ rights to privacy and natural justice.
Already demands have been made to arrest him etc. etc. Let me make it amply clear that I am not holding a brief for anyone. But, I strongly feel such telecasts are not good for a healthy social life.
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