Rajinikanth's 62nd Birthday on historical 12-12-12

If 11-11-11 is a historical date to the world. Then 12-12-12 will be a Epic date in the history of Rajini fans.
Superstar Rajinikanth who was born on 12 December 1950, will be celebrating his 62nd Birthday on 12-12-12, that is next year. Even before his 61st birthday arrives, his fans are excited about the stars 2012 birthday date combination.

Reason is the Uniqueness in the date, 12-12-12. Also sources say that the Superstar who mostly stays away from his birthday celebrations by moving over to Bangalore to have a calm time with his friends might be Joining in his 2012 Birthday celebration with his fans. Also there are rumors that Rajinikanth’s Rana also might be scheduled for 12-12-12 release.


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