The film Paradesi directed and produced by Bala is a critical and commercial success. While critics predicted several national award, but...
Bala is really disappointed that his film ‘Paradesi’ has not perceived awards as expected. Instances causing insult to a usually endowment perceived seem to worry Bala really much.
Team Bala had posted his disappointment and seemed to have digested but new rumors have reacted entourage director. The best dress engineer endowment that a film perceived is not for a talent, though is a pierce to great-fully a renowned Congress leader, contend reports. This has irritated Bala really much.
Indeed Poornima Ramasami is the beautiful daughter of a political leader of the Congress party is currently in power in India. The prize was awarded under the pressure of the leader. It seems that a endowment was given to greatfully a Congress leader.
‘We would not have been most unhappy if a film had not perceived award, though a endowment given for namesake is an insult’, feels Bala.
According to the director around it would have felt insulted by such statements. He would have preferred not to award a prize tainted. It should be recalled that Bala has won the most prestigious national awards during his career. Disappointed that the talented Vikr am was not awarded the prize for the best Indian actor for "Setu" or "Kaasi" he forged a character destined to win this award in "Pithamagan".
At the press conference before "Paradesi" release, Bala said it was his duty to help Atharva Murali to get a reputation in the industry. Indeed Bala owes its success to the late actor Murali, whom he met when he was a student on a shoot. Bala went through a difficult period marked by drugs. After his rehab, he has not completed his studies, he turned to film and contacted Murali for help. It was Murali who introduced the young Bala to several producers and directors like Balu Mahendra, with whom he worked as assistant director.
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