Actor-filmmaker Kamal Haasan-starrer Tamil drama "Uttama Villain" will hit the theaters April 2. Eros Intern...
"We are extremely proud to associate with Eros, the most powerful and successful name in contemporary Indian cinema to co-produce our prestigious 'Uttama Villain', starring Kamal Hassan. It will be released worldwide April 2," producer N. Lingusamy said in a statement.
The actor who shared a video about "Uthama Villain" release thanked his fans and audience for their enquires about movie.
The trailer of the movie, which was earlier released online, had received overwhelming response from the audience. The frenzy it created assured that the movie will be a treat for "Ulaganayakan" fans and kept the audience guessing about the storyline. It also introduced the lead characters of the movie
Kamal Haasan, will appear in double roles in the movie. He will portray the role of an 8th century drama artist (Uthaman) and a 21st century film star (Manoranjan).
Legendary film maker Balachander, who passed away recently, who is also the real-life mentor of Kamal, will reprise the role of Manoranjan's mentor in the film. Audience are expecting that the movie will have a chapter, which talks about the relationship which Kamal and Balachandar shared.
The film also features Andrea Jeremiah, Pooja Kumar, Parvathy Menon, Parvathy Nair, Urvashi, Jayaraman, M.S Bhaskar, K. Balachander and K Vishwanath.
Eros will also release Thirupathi Brothers-produced Tamil comedy "Rajini Murugan" in May.
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