Director Saravanan who has directed movies such as Engeyum Eppodhum, Ivan Vera Mathiri and Valiyavan movies, was injured in a road acciden...
Director Saravanan, former associate of AR Murugadoss made his debut directorial with the film ‘Engeyum Eppodhum’ that garnered fabulous response across the globe. Off the late, he shot to fame with some films like ‘Ivan Vera Maathiri’ followed by ‘Valiyavan’ with Jai in lead role was a box office disaster.
The filmmaker, around 10 am this morning was travelling to his native town of Nammakkal along with his assistant director Gauthaman on Chennai-Trichy highway. Its heard that when the incident occurred, Saravanan’s car tire bursted, the car happened to clash with a roadside barricade and the ones passing along that highway immediately rescued them and informed police. Some reliable sources say that They have admitted in Perambalur Government hospital and they will be shifted to Chennai tonight.
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