Debutant director Guru Ramesh’s Enna Satham Indha Neram, which stars Nitin Sathyaa in the lead, is said to be the first Tamil film to fea...
Nitin, who has just finished shooting for the film, says, “It’s the story of quadruplets who lose their way inside a zoo when they come for an excursion. The zoo keeper, the character that I play, rescues them after a whole day’s effort.”
He adds, “The script is a challenging one, and director Guru (associate of Suresh Krissna and Soundarya Rajinikanth) and producer Anoop have researched extensively before going on floors. This is the first time in Tamil cinema that quadruplets will feature prominently. After a long search, we found the four girls in Chennai who are presently studying in Church Park. Also, we have shot 95 per cent of the film at the Zoological Park in Hyderabad. When we sought permission at Vandalur Zoo in Chennai, we were told that we were the first film crew to shoot there. Some portions have also been shot at Thalakkonam falls. We have entered the film in the Limca Book Of Records under these credentials.”
Director Jayam Raja and Manu (of Kadhal Mannan fame) will also be seen playing important roles in the film.
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