Arun Vijay's new hair-do!

Arun Vijay's new hair-do!
Or the lack of it! Arun Vijay has joined the bald brigade! It's not a hair loss issue, but a new look for his upcoming movie Manja Velu. Produced by Feathertouch Entertainment and directed by A. Venkatesh, Manja Velu is an action-packed commercial flick starring Arun Vijay. And for an important sequence in the movie, the actor has shaved his head totally! 'I appear with a tonsured head, a look that I have never sported in my career so far, at a very crucial point in the film. The director wanted me to appear this way as it would create a big impact for the storyline. One more highlight of the film is a fight that we have filmed with me hanging upside down, something that no one has tried in Tamil cinema as of yet. This 'upside down' sequence has been shot for 7 days and was both very physically demanding and time consuming. But I am quite confident that my hard work will be talked about and Manja Velu will be a milestone in my career,' says the actor. CLICK HERE for Manja Velu Photo Gallery. CLICK HERE for Vedhika Photo Gallery. CLICK HERE for Arun Vijay Photo Gallery.


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