Tamil actor-filmmaker M. Sasikumar has urged aspiring actresses not to believe in those who promise a role in his fil...
Sasikumar calls them "fraudsters" and warns that they have even opened an e-mail accounts in his name.
"It has been brought to my notice that some people are making fake promises to young women that they would get them roles in my films. I have also come to learn that the fraudsters have opened e-mail accounts in my name to lure the budding actresses," Sasikumar said in a statement.
"I would like to clarify that I never had the habit of interacting through e-mails when it comes to picking actors and actresses for my films. I would always ask people to come to my office in person and only after that I would take a decision on roping them in for my movies", he added.
His upcoming Tamil romantic-comedy "Kutti Puli" is in post-production phase.
"Cinema is no doubt attractive and beautiful. At the same time, one should be very careful while entering into it", he said.
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