Richa Gangopadhyay gave a dazzling performance in the recent release Dhanush’s ‘Mayakkam Enna’ and her costar Sunder Ramu was second to ...
There was a report that the pretty actress recently had a brief squabble with the staff members of a star hotel in the city over the allotment of a room for her and his ‘friend’ Sunder Ramu. It was said that the actress had asked for a single room for her and her ‘friend’ to stay together but the hotel refused to give the same and on this issue Richa had created a scene there at the hotel reception!
When quizzed about this, Richa reacted sharply saying, “It is my own business and none of others. Nobody has a right to comment on my personal life. Actually, I had some problems in settling the bills and Sunder Ramu arrived when I was in dire trouble in managing the issue as I was also not able to contact the production team (of Simbhu’s ‘Osthe’, for which she had come to promote the film). Sunder Ramu had come to show me the photo profile of mine that he had shot. We don’t have any relationship between us as reported”.
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